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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

welcome home, it’s been too long, we’ve missed you
welcome home, it’s been too long, we’ve missed you

da, m-am întors din teambuilding... dar nu voi scrie acum despre asta, ci zilele următoare...

o coincidenţă foarte interesantă e că joi seara înainte să plec, Lenore arunca cu piesa asta în mine şi mă certa că de ce nu am ascultat albumele solo ale god-ului...

Bruce Dickinson – Accident of Birth

acuma vin acasă după 3 zile secate complet de metale grele şi dau drumu la pe ce rămăsese winampu când am plecat... şi pleacă piesa asta care începe şi urlă la mine welcome home, it’s been too long, we’ve missed you :D:D:D... priceless...

melodia a devenit obsesie... e povestea unei familii de monştri care trăiau în iad şi a căror fiu ajunge cumva să se nască pe pământ şi să se amestece printre oameni... ăsta nu mai vrea să se întoarcă în iad iar ăia îl tot cheamă înapoi... not just your average “mine / tine” lyrics...

Journey back to the dark side, back into the womb
Back to where the spirits move like vapor from the tomb
The center of the cyclone, blowing out the sun
Break the shackles of your union to the light

I might’ve had a brother
As I was born, they dragged him under
To the other side of twilight
He’s waiting for me now

Nativity was lost on me
I didn’t ask, I couldn’t see
What created me
What and where and how

Welcome home – it’s been too long, we’ve missed you
Welcome home – we’ve opened up the gates
Welcome home – to your brothers and sisters
Welcome home – to an accident of birth

Feel our bodies breathing as you try to stop believing
There’s nothing you can do about your shadows
You can fight us, you are like us
And your body will betray you
Lay down and die like all the others

Where are the angels and their wings of freedom?
Jesus had his day off when they pulled you through...

Welcome home – it’s been too long, we’ve missed you
Welcome home – we’ve opened up the gates
Welcome home – to your brothers and sisters
Welcome home – to an accident of birth

Visions growing dim as the daylight fades away
A spinning twisting black hole it’s your dying day

după asta am revăzut şi El Laberinto Del Fauno azi şi mi s-a părut poate chiar mai bun ca prima dată, iar sfârşitul la fel de trist şi de perfect ca şi atunci... sfârşit care pentru cunoscători se leagă foarte frumos cu melodia de mai sus... triplă coincidenţo-conexiune...

îşi păstrează nota 9

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Sunday June 13, 2010 - 23:25pm (EEST)


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Ma bucur ca ti-a placut :-). S-asculti tot albumul si sa faci o cronica dup-aia (te-am pus si la treaba).

Monday June 14, 2010 - 19:17pm (EEST) Comment Link

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