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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule Full Post View

şi alte logici

muie frigu...
muie frigu…

cum bah sa fie asa frig chiar in ziua concertului ??? nu putea sa mai tina canicula inca cateva zile ??? daca ploua ??? nu e voie cu umbrele la concert...

anyways... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


(copirait domnu vulpe pentru titlu)
Tags: , Saturday September 8, 2007 - 13:15pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 5 Comments
luciano pavarotti erased

Muse – Citizen Erased


For one moment
I wish you’d hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I’m sure I used to be so free

Wash me away
Clean your body of me
Erase all the memories
They will only bring us pain
And I’ve seen all I’ll ever need


tot respectul pentru omul care a fost Pavarotti...
pentru cunoscatori:


Tags: none Friday September 7, 2007 - 18:22pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
what watch ? ten watch. that much ?
what watch ? ten watch. that much ?


nu... nu nu nu... prea multe asteptari...

here’s looking at you kid, as time goes by, louie... i think this is the begining of a beautiful friendship...

translatarea titlului: “what time is it ? ten o’clock... that late ?”

nota 8.50

Tags: none Thursday September 6, 2007 - 23:28pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 7 Comments
episodu: why are silly you ?
episodu: why are silly you ?

Christina Madjera (11:41:00): Are there you from Romania?

Andrei (11:42:47): well who are you

Christina Madjera (11:42:59): Im from Russia

Andrei (11:43:19): so

Andrei (11:43:24): where did you get me from

Christina Madjera (11:43:27): I need your help

Andrei (11:43:31): really

Andrei (11:43:45): ask me milady

Christina Madjera (11:44:08): Can you tell me about your informal personalities?

Christina Madjera (11:44:26): In Romania...

Andrei (11:44:37): my what ?

Andrei (11:44:59): what do you mean “informal” ?

Christina Madjera (11:45:05): Are they in your country?

Andrei (11:45:21): who

Christina Madjera (11:45:38): informal personalities!!!

Christina Madjera (11:45:50): Like г

Andrei (11:45:52): explain what that is

Christina Madjera (11:45:54): U

Christina Madjera (11:45:58): ???

Christina Madjera (11:46:11): Like u

Andrei (11:46:27): i am an informal personality ?

Andrei (11:46:33): how come ?

Christina Madjera (11:46:36): yes

Christina Madjera (11:47:16): informal personalities – goths, alters, EMO, cybers...

Andrei (11:47:26): ahammm

Christina Madjera (11:47:32): Do you understand?

Andrei (11:47:41): i am starting to understand

Andrei (11:47:42): so

Andrei (11:47:59): i am no EMO, no goth

Andrei (11:48:06): i am just very intelligent

Andrei (11:48:17): i hide behind my thouths

Andrei (11:48:24): thougths

Andrei (11:48:56): please tell me where did you get my id

Christina Madjera (11:49:09): Sorry, I must not was speak to you

Christina Madjera (11:49:17): bye

Christina Madjera (11:49:19): )))

Andrei (11:49:23): dude

Andrei (11:49:31): bad russia

Andrei (11:49:33): bad

Christina Madjera (11:49:47): Ey!!

Andrei (11:49:59): tell me about you

Andrei (11:50:03): i like russian woman

Andrei (11:50:09): they are strong

Christina Madjera (11:50:10): bad Romania

Christina Madjera (11:50:14): no

Andrei (11:50:22): what no ?

Andrei (11:50:30): beautiful russia

Andrei (11:50:33): is that ok ?

Christina Madjera (11:50:44): the Russian women are very beautiful

Andrei (11:50:49): so i said

Christina Madjera (11:50:53): ))

Andrei (11:50:59): so do you love me or something ?

Andrei (11:51:04): is that it ?

Andrei (11:51:10): you felt in love with me

Andrei (11:51:17): and you don’t know how to say it

Christina Madjera (11:51:22): I like one Romanian

Andrei (11:51:28): who

Andrei (11:51:34): tell me

Andrei (11:51:42): i’ll send him to you by mail

Christina Madjera (11:51:53): his name is Marko

Christina Madjera (11:51:54): ))

Andrei (11:51:55): if it’s me i’ll swim to you

Andrei (11:52:06): marko is not romanian

Andrei (11:52:27): maybe Mircea or Marcu

Andrei (11:52:28): or Mucinel

Christina Madjera (11:52:34): marko is his nickname

Andrei (11:52:41): so he’s an EMO

Andrei (11:52:52): you like EMO people

Andrei (11:52:55): are you 12 ?

Christina Madjera (11:53:00): I met with him in Turkey

Christina Madjera (11:53:06): I HATE EMO

Andrei (11:53:13): nice turkey

Andrei (11:53:18): beautiful women

Andrei (11:53:24): well built

Andrei (11:53:35): so

Andrei (11:53:39): are you 12 ?

Christina Madjera (11:53:51): No))

Andrei (11:54:04): well ? then how much

Christina Madjera (11:54:30): I am 18 years. In April I will be 19))

Andrei (11:54:40): april is gone

Christina Madjera (11:55:05): Yet long to wait

Christina Madjera (11:55:20): Are you Romanian?

Andrei (11:55:27): i am 21 and in december i’ll be 22 and in the next december 23 and in the next december 24...

Andrei (11:55:44): yes i am... don’t let my perfect english fool you

Christina Madjera (11:55:45): ))

Andrei (11:55:57): you like me

Andrei (11:56:07): i make you russian girl smile

Andrei (11:56:27): so i ask again... where did you get my lovely id ?

Christina Madjera (11:57:07): Do you mock above me?!

Andrei (11:57:20): if you’re not honest

Andrei (11:57:28): and don’t answer my questions

Andrei (11:57:32): yes i will

Andrei (11:57:37): with no sense of shame

Christina Madjera (11:57:42): I need your help!!!

Andrei (11:57:55): i don’t help stangers... present yourself

Christina Madjera (11:58:11): I dont want to speak with you about nonsense!!!

Andrei (11:58:22): then kill yourself

Andrei (11:58:26): see

Andrei (11:58:29): i told you

Andrei (11:58:44): so... where did you get my id

Christina Madjera (11:59:10): http://360.yahoo.com/profile-IrJTNqc1eqtAhRmX4uBLLGiH9rswuA–?cq=1

Christina Madjera (11:59:12): !!!!

Andrei (11:59:33): ok

Andrei (11:59:39): what’s with her ?

Christina Madjera (12:00:08): I dont know her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christina Madjera (12:00:22): Why are silly you?!

Andrei (12:00:23): ok... you mad woman...

Andrei (12:00:38): where did you get HER lovely profile then ?

Andrei (12:00:57): are you even human ? DO YOU UNDERSTANT me ?

Christina Madjera (12:01:29): now I will die of laughter

Christina Madjera (12:01:35): ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Andrei (12:01:41): so i said

Andrei (12:01:45): kill youself

Andrei (12:01:48): save us the pain

Christina Madjera (12:02:00): Do you want to look at me?

Andrei (12:02:15): i surely will die in pain if not

Christina Madjera (12:02:20): it is not although

Andrei (12:02:21): reveale yourself mistress

Andrei (12:02:49): note to russia

Andrei (12:02:56): christina is not a russian name

Andrei (12:03:01): but whatever

Andrei (12:03:03): continue

Christina Madjera (12:03:29): Do you disbelieve me?!

Andrei (12:03:33): i have better things to do... like make you famous

Andrei (12:03:45): i disbelieve everything... it’s my nature

Andrei (12:03:54): what are you GOD ?

Christina Madjera (12:04:07): I like it in you))

Andrei (12:04:12): it ?

Andrei (12:04:15): what is IT ?

Christina Madjera (12:04:45): And I am God!!! You on knees have time to get up!!!

Christina Madjera (12:05:13): On my opinion, you must trust that I am Russian

Christina Madjera (12:05:33): Because my English is very bad

Andrei (12:05:46): IN my opinion, IN

Andrei (12:05:54): i DON’T TRUST

Christina Madjera (12:05:55): I am difficult to write you

Andrei (12:06:04): yes but i am worth it

Andrei (12:06:24): try harder

Andrei (12:06:37): or cry of fail

Andrei (12:07:09): russia is far far away

Christina Madjera (12:07:15): I do not understand as it to do

Andrei (12:07:18): are you cold ?

Christina Madjera (12:07:32): certainly

Andrei (12:07:44): good

Andrei (12:07:57): so

Christina Madjera (12:08:02): you are bad Romanian

Andrei (12:08:06): where did you get my id ?

Andrei (12:08:14): i am bad

Andrei (12:08:22): because i am too good

Christina Madjera (12:08:31): Marco was better

Andrei (12:08:36): marco WAS

Andrei (12:08:37): i AM

Christina Madjera (12:08:52): he is good in sex

Christina Madjera (12:08:59): Was...

Christina Madjera (12:09:00): (((

Christina Madjera (12:09:06): in Turkey

Andrei (12:09:08): he paralized ?

Andrei (12:09:45): with russian girls everyone is good in sex

Christina Madjera (12:09:57): paralized? I dont understand

Andrei (12:10:29): when his THING... doesn’t move...

Andrei (12:10:47): you know

Andrei (12:11:05): so

Andrei (12:11:14): where did you get my id you mad woman ?

Andrei (12:11:27): you need to marry or something ? you need visa ?

Andrei (12:11:45): you want children ? they’ll be handicapated

Andrei (12:13:48): heeeeeeeey

Andrei (12:14:07): did russia fell of the map or what ?

Andrei (12:14:12): where are you

Andrei (12:16:50): ok

Andrei (12:16:53): so you dead

Andrei (12:17:14): was nice... to make you famous

Tags: none Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 09:35am (EEST) Permanent Link | 83 Comments
foame de concerte
foame de concerte

pentru Hysteria... “cos i want it nooooooooow, i want it nooooooooooooooooooow...... give me your heart and your soul”... obsesia verii 2003... videoclip superb

pentru Time is Running Out

pentru Stockhom Syndrome

pentru Sing For Absolution... iarasi un videoclip superb

pentru ca au o melodie care se cheama SUPER MASSIVE BLACK HOLE... fuck yeah

pentru ca sunt una din formatiile care suna de 100 mai bine live decat in studio

pentru căcând ma uit la poster nu pot sa nu zambesc

so... cine se mai baga ?

Tags: , Monday September 3, 2007 - 18:47pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
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