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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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November 25, 2022 - 20:20


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Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr...

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Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ...

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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule Full Post View

şi alte logici

"they made soup out of my research turtles"
"they made soup out of my research turtles"

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

destul de original, genul de film care nu e facut pentru gloata proasta... plin de chestii micute idiotice asamblate frumos... bill murray e un mare actor cand incearca... faza cu seiful...

Steve Zissou: Esteban was eaten!
Klaus Daimler: Is he dead?
Steve Zissou: Esteban was eaten!
Klaus Daimler: He was bitten?
Steve Zissou: Eaten!
Klaus Daimler: [shocked] He was swallowed whole?
Steve Zissou: No! Chewed!

[a woman asks a question about the shark Zissou is hunting]
Festival Director: [translating] That’s an endangered species at most. What would be the scientific purpose of killing it?
Steve Zissou: Revenge.

Steve Zissou: Can you hear the Jack Whales singing?
Ned Plimpton: [Tanker goes off] Beautiful. I wonder what they’re saying.
Steve Zissou: Well actually that’s a Sludge Tanker over there...

Steve Zissou: Oh, shit! Swamp leeches. Everybody, check for swamp leeches, and pull them off... Nobody else got hit? I’m the only one? What’s the deal?

[on Eleanor]
Alistair Hennessey: We’ve never made great husbands, have we? Of course, I have a good excuse. I’m half gay.

Alistair Hennessey: Is this my espresso machine? Wh-what is-h-how did you get my espresso machine?
Bill Ubell: Well... uh... we fuckin’ stole it, man.

Jane Winslett-Richardson: [about her baby] In twelve years, he’ll be eleven and a half.
Steve Zissou: [pause] That was my favorite age.

Steve Zissou: This bull dyke’s got something against us.
Ned Plimpton: I don’t think she’s a lesbian. She’s pregnant.

Jane Winslett-Richardson: I’m going to have to start locking my effing door.
Steve Zissou: It was locked, I kicked it in. Why don’t you just curse like other people?
Jane Winslett-Richardson: Because I’m trying to get out of the habit before I have my fucking baby!

Oseary Drakoulias: Oh, bloody hell! You listen here, mate!
Ned Plimpton: Can I interrupt for a second?
Oseary Drakoulias: Who the blazes is that?
Ned Plimpton: It’s me, Ned. Maybe this is nothing, maybe it’s something. I don’t know what your problems are, I don’t know... but I just inherited $275,000. Would that amount make any difference?
Oseary Drakoulias: What sort of expression is the lad wearing on his face?

[while robbing Alistair Hennessey’s underwater sea-lab]
Vladimir Wolodarsky: Steve, one of the interns just fell down the stairs with the main tracking processor.
Steve Zissou: All right, just make sure we steal the backup.

Anne-Marie Sakowitz: I think it’s criminal that Steve allowed this to happen, by which I mean illegal. We’re being led on an illegal suicide mission by a selfish maniac.
Klaus Daimler: I hear what you’re saying, but I think you misjudge the guy.

[Steve opens the safe which contained Ned’s inheritance money, but finds it to be empty, with a hole burned on the other side]
Steve Zissou: That’s it. I’m retired.

nota 9.50

Tags: none Monday January 12, 2009 - 17:34pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
letting off steam
letting off steam

continuand obsesia pe care am avut-o saptamana asta cu Into The Lungs Of Hell, am luat mai multe albume Megadeth sa vad cam ce stiu baietii astia... n-am reusit sa avansez prea mult ca playlistul a ramas complet blocat pe o singura melodie... de la primul riff pana la ultimul, absolut geniala... cacatii astia de la yahoo nu ma mai lasa sa pun video-uri embedded, asa ca pun doar linkul [edit: that’s no longer true since i moved to my own place]:

Megadeth – Rattlehead

Well, here I come
Stand up and plant your feet
Listen ! I’m letting off steam
Now throw your hands in the air
Let loose I don’t fuckin care


Rattle head
A dose of metal you need
To bang your head ’til you bleed
It’s time for snapping some neck
Slashing, thrashing to megadeth


Rattle head
You, your head, is pounding with pain
You shake loose parts of your brain
Winning, sinning, beginning
Feeding, the needing for bleeding
Bashing, smashing, crashing
Fraying, annhilating you!


There’s someone back in the shadows
You feel though you can’t see his eyes
He’ll bash your head if you cross him
Ain’t quite your average guy
Don’t wear no leather to fittin
Don’t wear no spike to be cool
Don’t want no woman beside him
Just make it fast, loud and rude
Rattle head


I’m a rattle head
Rattle your goddamn head!

Tags: none Sunday January 11, 2009 - 15:26pm (EET) Permanent Link | 3 Comments
[after sex]: "how generous of me"
[after sex]: "how generous of me"

The Constant Gardener

vroiam sa vad pentru ce a castigat oscarul rachel weisz... mai mult de jumate de film e moarta, dar oricum, a facut o treaba bunicica... nu i-as fi dat chiar oscarul, dar a fost ok...

filmul e din genul care nu prea imi plac... cu africani si conspiratii guvernamentale... dar lasand partile astea la o parte si concentrandu-ne doar pe partea romantica a filmului, isi scoate o nota bunicica... si modul multicronologic de a expune povestea e un plus...

nota 8.75

Tags: none Saturday January 10, 2009 - 22:07pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
anuntul blogofonic
anuntul blogofonic

am un prieten care are nevoie neaparata de bani si vinde urmatoarele chestii:

1. iPod nano 8GB negru, nou nout, primit cadou de sarbatori

2. calculator Pentium D 3Ghz, 512 MB, 80 GB hardu, Gigabyte 6600LE si tv tuner, aproape nou, nefolosit, dar fara garantie (in afara de cea morala :))

contact: iunieten@yahoo.com

Tags: none Saturday January 10, 2009 - 00:43am (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
no names
no names


ce se intampla daca toti oamenii orbesc... trist, pe alocuri sadic, exagerat in unele privinte... per total a fost un film bun...

Doctor’s Wife: "The only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see."
Doctor: "It’s a video ? Oh. Makes you question what kind of an idiot would play a video in a quaratine for the blind"
Doctor [about a photo he took]: "Blind inspiration".

nota 8.75

Tags: none Friday January 9, 2009 - 23:31pm (EET) Permanent Link | 1 Comment
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