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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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November 25, 2022 - 20:20


Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c...

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Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr...

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şi ca fun fact, nici măcar nu este primul chirurg din echipa Rapidului... am avu...

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Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ...

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Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ...

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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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şi alte logici

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ce s-a intamplat in semifinale pe la campionatul mondial:

  • in prima semifinala Higgins a jucat perfect in trei sferturi din meci si conducea cu 13-3... apoi Mark Allen a reusit sa-si revina si a intors scorul la 16-13... intr-un final a castigat Higgins cu 17-13... un meci foarte frumos, mai ales ca eu tin cu Higgins
  • in a doua semifinala au jucat Murphy si Robertson... ca nivel de joc a fost sub prima semifinala, multe ratari, breakuri mici... si Robertson care n-a fost serios absolut deloc... avut aseara niste lovituri de era sa rupa postavul... a zburat bila roz de pe o manta pe alta, ziceai ca joaca ping pong ("or wiff-waff" – cum zice reclama de pe eurosport pe care au dat-o astia incontinuu in pauze)... in final a castigat Murphy cu 17-14

acuma se joaca finala... e 7-5 pentru Higgins in momentul asta... sper sa fie echilibrata si sa mai prind ceva din ea si maine seara cand vin de la service... nu ca anul trecut cand se terminase in mijlocu zilei...

oare pun iarasi poze cu clanul Higgins ? :D

Tags: none Sunday May 3, 2009 - 23:56pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 1 Comment
don’t try this
don’t try this

am instalat Internet Explorer 8...

m-am chinuit juma de ora sa dezactivez tampenia aia care se numeste Domain Highlighting... este imposibil, cica este pentru securitatea mea... lol... imi venea sa ma sterg la ochi de cate ori ma uitam la address bar...

am dezinstalat Internet Explorer 8...

Tags: none Saturday May 2, 2009 - 22:45pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
"not again, not again, not again..."
"not again, not again, not again…"

ultima obsesie:

Akira Yamaoka feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn – Tender Sugar

I run, I fall, I drift away
Check my body now, was it body or soul?
The darkness fades, fades to the light
Disappearing now, disappears from the night
And all these nightmares I once had as a child
The morning always came, it came too late
What did my mind forget, forget to hide?
Could the nightmare be awake?
I don’t know

In or out, up or down
Never know it’s an illusion
Round and round, on and on
Every day spins my confusion

Not again not again not again
From this dream I can’t awake
What is real what is real what is real?
It’s getting hard for me to take
What I need what I need what I need
A little something I rely
And the white sugar gently hides me
Oh the sweet sugar saves me
It’s the room that confines me

Yesterday, back and forth
Broken door no longer opens
Breakin down, need it now
Mother’s sugar always loves me

din coloana sonora Silent Hill 4 (the game)... nu, nu eu l-am jucat, melodia mi-a fost recomandata de un coleg de la service... dar, poate in vacanta...

de asemenea, de la midian, urmatorul filmuletz la care razi cu lacrimi:

How techno music is created

cand apare ala cu pliciul pentru muste am cazut pe jos de ras... si cu tipa care cauta zidul si sincronizarea perfecta cand incepe sa se dea cu capul de el...

Tags: none Thursday April 30, 2009 - 14:31pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments

de o saptamana si ceva a inceput campionatul mondial de snooker... hence, the lack of movie reviews... :D

ce campionat... incredibil... toata lumea a zis ca este cea mai buna editie din istorie... sau oricum, pe acolo... jucatori in mare forma, record de breakuri de peste 100 puncte, break maxim... faze incredibile...

au fost cateva faze geniale, unicate:

  • in meciul Carter – Robertson: juca Robertson... baga o rosie, baga neagra... arbitrul uita sa repozitioneze bila neagra la loc pe punct... Robertson il striga, ii zambeste si ii face cu mana catre buzunar... "i can’t play without the black" :D...
  • in meciul Higgins – Cope: conducea Cope cu 12-10... castiga Higgins 2 jocuri la rand si duce meciul in joc decisiv... de emotii lesina un tip prin sala... se opreste meciul, vin paramedicii, ii acorda primul ajutor... reincepe jocul... pe la mijlocul lui iar lesina ala... iar se intrerupe jocu, iar ala nu vroia sa iasa din sala... daca omu a dat bani pe bilet, sa moara acolo :D... in sfarsit, a ramas cu o masca de oxigen pe fata tot restul meciului
  • in meciul Selby – Dott: loveste Dott... observa ca bila alba se indreapta spre buzunar... stiind ca oricum va fi fault, opreste cu mana bila alba inainte sa ajunga in buzunar... arbitrul striga fault, ceea ce oricum urma sa fie... se ridica Selby sa vina la masa, bila alba era in mana lu Dott, care i-o da lu Selby in mana... asta o ia vesel si o puna pe masa... arbitrul striga iar fault, la Selby... ceea ce e normal ca ala n-avea voie sa puna mana pe bila... au fost fraieri amandoi, parca jucau prieteneste in club...
  • in meciul Selby – Higgins: a castigat Selby primele 3 jocuri cu 3 breakuri incredibile de peste 100 de puncte... apare pe ecran statistica cu loviturile de buzunar: Pot Success: Selby 100 % – Higgins 0 % :D:D:D... si asta dupa 3 jocuri intregi... apoi castiga Higgins 4 jocuri la rand... acuma e 8-8 :D... numai asa o tin astia...
  • in meciul Selby – Dott: trebuia Selby sa execute o lovitura grea, cu mana stanga peste bila maro... ca sa poata sa se apropie foarte mult de bila fara sa comita fault, se descheie la camasa si isi sufleca maneca stanga pana la umar... comentatorii au zis ca nu s-a intamplat niciodata in istoria campionatului sa isi suflece vreun jucator manecile in arena... executa lovitura, o reuseste... apoi fraieru incearca sa se incheie la loc... evident, nu reuseste sa se incheie la nasturele de la maneca singur... e duce ca un copil mic la arbitru... arbitru ridica mainile in sus si-i aminteste ca are manusi albe in maini... Selby foarte dezamagit mai incearca o data sa se incheie singur... in final, isi da arbitrul manecile jos si-l incheie pe saracu copil la maneca... :D
  • in meciul Selby – Higgins: executa Higgins o lovitura de siguranta foarte buna... loveste Selby, comite fault si deranjeaza o gramada de bile de pe masa... Higgins cere refacerea pozitiei si arbitrul saracu se apuca sa le aranjeze pe toate... la sfarsit, ca sa verifice daca e bine, ii intreaba: "are you happy with this position ?"... Higgins: "yes, it’s alright"... Selby dadea inconjorul mesei si era foarte dezamagit de cat de grea era lovitura si raspunde: "no, not happy at all" :D... izbucnesc toti in ras... mai da asta cateva tururi de masa incercand sa vada cum joaca... un spectator urla la el: "come on now"... Selby se duce spre el si-i arata tacu: "well you play it then"... :D

Selby e mascota campionatului :D:D:D... e un fenomen baiatu asta...

incredibil campionat... jocuri magnifice, si de abia maine incep semifinalele:

  • John Higgins – Jamie Cope: cel mai bun meci dupa parerea mea de pana acum... era clar ca cine gresea pierdea jocul... a fost plin de breakuri de peste 100 puncte... nici unu nu se impotmolea, jucau perfect
  • Stephen Hendry – Ding Junhui: aproape la fel de bun ca cel de mai sus... si Ding si Hendry au jucat impecabil...
  • Shaun Murphy – Stephen Hendry: era 5-2 pentru Hendry si
    a reusit si breakul maxim... dupa aia s-a enervat Murphy si a castigat totul pana la sfarsit... genial...

cele mai proaste meciuri au fost intre Ali Carter si Neil Robertson in optimi si intre Stephen Maguire si Neil Robertson in sferturi... fragmentate si lungi, pline de ratari...

Mark Allen, un pusti de 23 de ani l-a eliminat pe O’Sullivan, si azi l-a eliminat si pe Ryan Day... e o surpriza foarte placuta...

Neil Robertson imi este incredibil de antipatic si nu suport sa ma uit la meciurile lui... cam la fel si cu Maguire... bine ca joaca impreuna acum si scapam de unu din ei...

tot respectul pentru Ding Junhui si Jamie Cope care au jucat foarte bine dar au fost eliminati de Hendry si Higgins care au jucat chiar perfect... ghinionul lor...

eu zic ca finala o sa fie intre Higgins si Murphy... si chiar nu stiu cine o sa castige dintre ei, amandoi joaca perfect... asta daca trece Higgins de Selby :D

Tags: none Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 22:57pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
never forget. never forgive.
never forget. never forgive.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Ladies and Gentlemen!
May I have your attention PĂĂĂĂ-LIIIIIIIZ?

There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren’t worth what a pig could spit
and it goes by the name of London.

There was a barber and his wife
and she was beautiful...
a foolish barber and his wife.
She was his reason and his life...
And she was beautiful, and she was virtuous
And he was naive.

There was another man who saw
that she was beautiful...
A pious vulture of the law
who, with a gesture of his claw
removed the barber from his plate!
Then there was nothing but to wait!
And she would fall!
So soft!
So young!
So lost and oh so beautiful!

A woman alone,
With limited wind,
And the worst pies in London!

I’ll come back when you have judge on the menu.

Ah, sir, times is hard,
Times is hard...!

These are my friends, see how they glisten?
See this one shine, how he smiles in the light,
My friends, my faithful friends...

Easy now,
Hush, love, hush,
Don’t distress yourself,
What’s your rush?
Keep your thoughts
Nice and lush,

And the judge? When will I get to him?

Can’t you think of nothin’ else?
Always broodin’ away on your wrongs
what happened heaven knows how many years ago!

Slow, love, slow.
Time’s so fast.
Now goes quickly, see
Now it’s past!
Soon will come,
Soon will last.

No !!! I had him!!!

His throat was there beneath my hand.

There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it’s filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
But not for long...

They all deserve to die.
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
Because in all of the whole human race
Mrs. Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
There’s the one staying put in his proper place
And the one with his foot in the other one’s face
Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you.

No, we all deserve to die
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
For the rest of us death will be a relief
We all deserve to die.

I will have vengenance.
I will have salvation.

Who sir, you sir?
No ones in the chair, Come on! Come on!
Sweeney’s. waiting. I want you bleeders.
You sir! Anybody!
Gentlemen now don’t be shy!

Not one man, no, nor ten men.
Nor a hundred can assuage me.
I will have you!
And I will get him back even as he gloats
In the meantime I’ll practice on less honorable throats.

But the work waits!
I’m alive at last!
And I’m full of joy!

Hey, don’t i know you mister?

The years no doubt have changed me, sir, but now i suppose the face of a barber and the face of a prisoner in the dark are not
particularly memorable.

Judge Turpin: Benjamin Barker!


Rest now my friend
Rest now forever
Sleep now the untroubled
Sleep of the angels

Just keep living it
Really Living it

There was a barber and his wife
And she was beautiful
A foolish barber and his wife
She was his reason and his life
And she was beautiful
And she was virtuous
And he was...

a fost impecabil realizat... eu detesc muzicalurile, insa asta a fost magnific... o gramada de melodii si versuri mi s-au intiparit in minte instant...

Johnny Depp este un zeu... eu stiam ca el e mare rocker si ca avea o trupa rock inainte sa devina actor... dar chiar asa nu ma asteptam... are o voce incredibila, identica ca timbru cu a lui Roy Khan din primele albume Kamelot... si asta e un lucru foarte bun:

faza cand striga “No ! I had him !” si expresia fetzei lui la nunta cand trebuia sa sarute mireasa imi vor ramane pe veci in minte...

si Helena a facut o impresie foarte foarte buna (ca intotdeauna)...

trioul Burton, Depp, Helena este magic... fara cuvinte

nota 9.50

Tags: none Monday April 27, 2009 - 23:57pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
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