«   September 2011   »  
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
      1inspirație 2 3 4ronnie james god
5 6no shit sherlock 7 8allez les blegz 9 10lighty 11want a jiont ?

three dots
12ron’s weed room 13de-ale inginerilor 14 15i never claimed to be a saint 16Dipl.-Ing 17„hristosu dumnezeu lu mă-ta eu” 18podgoria hold’em

“go fuck yourselves”
19„what a tedious little man” 20talk to the hand 21death race… coming soon… 22„you got a name ?”

23 24 25„get me the spaceman”

două minute
26„jesus, everyone’s gone mental” 27un bun ortodox 28 29„those aren’t pillows” 30