«   June 2013   »  
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          1“i’m just a guy in a trunk”

“i’ll help you say “fuck off” more clearly”
2mary christmas

the farmboy and the princess fight giants

rip limba română
3massages 4castella 5“can you hold your breath for 3 minutes and run on the moon ? / sure! / let’s do this”

china town

plumb armata ta!
6black doug, white doug

slayer vs snickers
7softuri pline de bug-uri 8monarchy și soulrage

“smack me harder”
9eine kleine amerikaner

out of love
10mort à la carte 11“i wish monkeys could skype” 12funny 13“hey, that’s not easy, what i just did” 14“octopussy” 15font spacing matters

16teenage the fuck up

179/11 18der dollar

“fuck, man, circumstance, that’s exactly it”
19trapped by air 20“this is a madhouse” 21the arc of descent 22“have fun being married to satan”

“he wrote poetry ’till he went nuts”

sweat is fat crying
23“you’re an inanimate fucking object”

25 26 27foot-foot 28 29“you give out very little sugar with your pronouncements”

comitet inexistent