«   May 2013   »  
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    1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11m-am întors 12the not even ok movie


S.S. Essess
14foarte cald știri

niciodată n-am știut care-i fată și care băiat
15 16drac

your broadcaster

de la manele la cristos
17 18 19
20 21R

“he won the nobel prize for inventing the artificial appendix”
22încă 1000

easy company
23“i need a shower, warden” 24 25“am i home ?”


cât de diferiți suntem
27“we’ve accessed your dog’s turd’s memories” 28ablixa 29fuckity bye! 30[alarm clock rings] “it’s eight o’clock! you’ll have to rape me later!”

he’s back
31the length of a point, the area of a line

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