«   April 2009   »  
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
    1 2 3i’m back in town, bitches 4 5the ebdonator
6 7restanČ›e 8stuntman mike’s stunt 9"looks like i got you by the balls" 10"i’m your boat" 11 12
13 14"do you smell burning feathers ?" 15 16"oh, by the way, that’s the clitoris"

"i’ve lost my marbles"
17"where does she find these guys"

go go dance
18atata tamtam pentru un amarat de oscilator RC cu tranzistor :)) 19Paste fericit ! Calul pe camp !
20"for me, for me, formidable"… 21 22what would i be… 23 24i bought yahoo 25MUIE POLITIA ROMANA… muie si primariei… 26
27never forget. never forgive. 28 29magie 30"not again, not again, not again…"