«   March 2008   »  
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
          1the doll gets green 2dream monsters
3 4 5puzzle si maiden = my kind of fun 6"I am Shiva, the god of death" 7 8 9"to fear death is like dying a hundred times"

stele, capre, babe, topor in cap, mosu cu scaunelu, capitanu si zeppelinu
10 11 12 13 14 15 16"bah da unde sunt cartile bune ?"
17"would you kindly fuck off ?" 18sa fii mandru ca esti roman

pentru mihaela
19zero barat teve

"i am a caspiar. from an island in caspiar sea. it sunk"
20 21"nume prostilor pe toate gardurile"

a wife goes undercover… really
22a song that voices always shared

"hello, i’m johnny cash"
23piesele lu da vinci
24-"you look pale" / -"yeah, thank you"

bun e vinu cand te uiti la film
25 26unii sug de la mama, altii de la tata 27 28KEN LEE !!! 29"are you watching closely ?" 30litere pe ecran…cu un font prost
31the making of lake or tears