«   February 2013   »  
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        1 2 3killed me softly

hairy potter
4hazara boy 5“she has to be wooed” 6“tastes like tinfoil” 7“may you get to heaven an hour before the devil knows you’re dead” 8china ? 9free video tapes

10woman in pants = man
11balada 12pardon ? 13“into the life of millicent, the shadow of evil now began to creep”

400.000 de pufuleți
14drown in doom 15“be aggressive passive aggressive” 16mörbid carnage 17near drowning

you called me sântandrei
18 19epic prog death metal 20 21 22 23 24absolutely no fucks were given that day
25cum o să facă gheorghe mili-micro-oane, partea prima 26sexy 27what is the timezone on mars anyway ?

metal nights
28good evening