«   February 2010   »  
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1wiff-waff 2“would you like the cancer ?” 3“if i died it would kill your husband ???”

¿quieres jugar?
4“keep the light steady, your holiness”

“one foot on the platform…”
5românia, în 48 de secunde

“if you’re a bird i’m a bird”

“this is ripley, last survivor of the nostromo, signing off”
6“unde ești maria mea”

“get away from her, YOU BITCH !”
7cv-rei mă de la noi ?

“here, kitty, kitty, kitty”
8“film cieac noris”

“must be a chick thing”
9horror – demența de iarnă 10“first to five souls”

last.fm-ul și cronologia

“îmi apari din când în când…”
11“oh, and don’t forget the corpses”


“i hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return”
12so… you know some moves…

nevasta fură meserie

“you’ll be the death of me”
13for those about to…

“Run, Forrest! Run!”
14republica de chiie

“and her vagine start to hang loose like sleeve of wizard”

15hebrew metal

“but it’s a chickpea”

les avatars
17ancient gipsy lore

mr. napkin head
18epic win

made in family
19cu pletele-n furtuna de nisip

“closer, please… clo-ser”
20“try not to make a mess” 21“smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you…”

“that’s a big tank”
22top3 Friends moments



“dana, my darling, I’m writing to you…”
24“halt ! who goes there ?”

it pulls out and it kisses him in the eye
25“i just had a monkey”

la mulți ani alexandra
26my life according to metallica

la unica hippie del pueblo
27“oh, you give a fuckin’ aspirin a headache, pal”

roblogfest… shit included
28“15 kilos of cocaine? that’s nothing. I piss 15 kilos”

“oooh, jaaaa”