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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 39
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule - Posts Tagged ‘obsesii’Full Post View

şi alte logici

psychedelic metal

Sólstafir – Fjara

o melodie superbă de la islandezi
pe la min 3:55 şi mai ales de la 5:45 este absolut genială

descrierea de pe youtube spune absolut totul:

The conceptualization for the video began back in July of 2011, and started production in late-September. The story follows a young woman who bears a difficult and woeful burden, obsessively dragging behind her a large, timber coffin. Her intentions are uncertain, as she encounters Four Spirits along the way – the Earth, the Desert, the Enlightened, and the Devoted – like lighthouses guiding her path. The ultimate purpose of her journey is slowly revealed through her encounters with these Spirits.

The lead role was gladly given to Rebekka Kolbeinsdóttir, an exceptionally talented actress and versatile musician. Rebekka’s enthusiasm and commitment to the project was immediately evident, and there is no doubt that “Fjara” would be a completely different video had she not been involved. Wearing a thin wedding dress in the middle of November, barefooted, pulling a coffin nearly twice one’s weight through the Icelandic wilderness is not an easy task.

The original intent was to have the video shot and completed before “Svartir Sandar” was released on October 14th, but due to increasing complexity of the latter scenes, the considerable time needed for postproduction, and some of the most awful, unpleasant weather so far that month, “Fjara” was not completed until the beginning of January. Thankfully, we had the privilege of working with the extremely enthusiastic members of Sólstafir, who always stayed several steps ahead to insure production went smoothly. Kolla Jónsdóttir generously lent her time and expertise in designing the costumes and doing make-up, and Jakob Veigar Sigurðsson assisted in finding great locations and making sure the team had places to stay.

Shooting wrapped at the end of November, on a particularly memorable and unusual Sunday morning. With only the last shot remaining, the crew arrived at the Skógafoss waterfall at sunrise. Over the course of the next hour, the 70kg timber coffin was carried to the top of the waterfall, affixed with floatation and a small ContourHD waterproof camera, and carefully lowered into the rushing water. With only a bungee cord and rope tied around his waist, Sólstafir drummer Guðmundur Óli Pálmason, waded into the water and pulled the coffin to the middle of the stream – mere meters from the edge of the falls. He was quoted at the time, saying “I’m not really nervous about going over, I’m just ready to finally get rid of this thing!”

After nearly another hour of preparation and careful adjustments mid-stream, the coffin finally coasted to the edge of Skógafoss, and plummeted spectacularly downwards to its explosive end. To everyone’s surprise, the camera we had attached to the coffin was successfully recovered, and is the last shot to appear in the video.

Tags: , Tuesday October 16, 2012 - 21:46pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
luke at them
luke at them

mai ţineţi minte perioada aia din aprilie în care n-am pus aproape nici un post pe blog şi lăsasem o poză cu Raymond pe prima pagină ? eh, m-am uitat la mai multe seriale atunci de fapt...

am revăzut cap coadă tot Gilmore Girls, unul din serialele mele preferate de când eram în liceu... nu, nu e un serial de fete cum ar crede unii după titlu sau subiect, e bun şi pentru metalişti nenorociţi...

chiar dacă ultimul sezon a fost un pic mai slăbuţ (exceptând ultimul episod), a fost constant amuzant şi romantic, cu punctele maxime prin sezonul 4, părerea mea...

sunt convins că o să-l mai revăd de câteva ori pe parcursul vieţii, îmi oferă câteva săptămâni frumoase....

recomand box-set-ul de pe amazon, este perfect, n-am găsit nici o problemă cu nici un disc, subtitrare sau calitatea imaginii...

Tags: , , Monday September 3, 2012 - 21:22pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
got a masterplan... genocide

Kreator – People Of The Lie
[live in Korea, 2002]

dedicată tuturor cretinilor pe care i-am înjurat pe blog
[ironic, pentru că melodia este de fapt anti-rasism]

Don’t look at me as if I didn’t know
Your vanity is all you ever show
What you believe and advocate
Fanatic dogma recycled from yesterday

Got a master plan
Can’t understand
People of the lie

You are to me the waste of flesh and blood
I’d love to see you buried in the mud
And when you die no one will shed a tear
So pass me by don’t need your hatred here

Got a master plan
Can’t understand
People of the lie

Eye for an eye

You cannot hide behind those empty claims
Your racist pride is nothing but a game
And you will lose for right is on the side
Of those who choose to fight for humankind

Got a master plan
Can’t understand
People of the lie

You can’t believe
Don’t be deceived

pentru inima mea se bat două în perioada asta, Kreator şi Overkill...

Tags: , Monday August 6, 2012 - 23:13pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
hidden behind my eyes

Overkill – Rotten To The Core
[Wacken 2007]

the perfect live performance

Tags: , Tuesday July 31, 2012 - 23:07pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
is there something after you...

Kreator – Phobia
(live 2010 în Gelsenkirchen)

fraţii celor de la Sodom, Kreator sunt una din celelalte trupe de teutonic thrash din Germania...

şi bagă bine de tot...

de departe cea mai bună trupă de la B’estfest, cântă vineri noaptea...


Is there something after you,
Something after you?
Is there something after you?
Will it get you?

Can you feel the panic in you,
Feel the panic in you?
Can you feel the panic in you?
Will it break you?

Coming from within, taking over,
Symptoms of an everlasting...


Is there someone following you,
Someone following you?
Is there someone following you?
Are you dreaming?

Is someone taking your life from you,
Taking your life from you?
Is someone taking your life from you?
Are you dying?

Coming from within, taking over,
Symptoms of an everlasting...


Tags: , Monday July 2, 2012 - 22:20pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
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