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"Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]
şi alte logici
e momentul acela al săptămânii în care vă prezint obsesia Sodom a ultimelor zile...
de data asta ne întoarcem în anul 87, la albumul Persecution Mania şi ne oprim la melodia cu acelaşi nume...
no intro, no outro, evil heavy riff din prima secundă... absolut genial cât de dark şi puternic e riff-ul ăla... şi solo-ul de la final e foarte bun, terminându-se din nou în acelaşi riff, cu vocea lui Angelripper peste el, acele trei versuri şoptite într-un mod absolut genial...
Sodom – Persecution Mania
Command to Vietnam
Back into the jungles depth
Armed to the teeth
Cold blooded experienced
Mercenary paid to slaughter
Sector madness kill and destroy
Missing captive locked up
In contaminated camps
Only war of liberation
Let them gather fresh hope
Hostile crossfire finished eight lives
Bowels bury me alive
Green hell swallows a silhouette
I could get away
Persecution Mania, driven me mad
Persecution Mania, tremendous dreams
Persecution Mania, getting mentally ill
Persecution Mania, alarmed about my life
There are traps behind every line
The combat zone in trench and fire
I know the danger every step
The nerve gas falls in black and white
But slowly I near my destination
Lost is our war to do justice
The brothers of people shot and died
Persecution mania takes away my life
Persecution Mania, driven me mad
Persecution Mania, tremendous dreams
Persecution Mania, getting mentally ill
Persecution Mania, alarmed about my life
Something fierce
Something evil
Circles in the air
am găsit pe youtube tot concertul Sodom de la Wacken 2007, când au aniversat 25 de ani de când cântă...
este absolut genial cap-coadă, plin de balade, desigur...
foarte interesant e că au urcat pe scenă cam toţi chitariştii care au cântat în formaţie de-a lungul celor 25 de ani, fiecare chitarist cântând pe melodiile din vremea lui... foarte frumos... pe ultimele piese sunt toţi 6-7 chitarişti pe scenă :D
asta e ultima obsesie:
Sodom – Christ Passion
We praise the saviour
Observe the ten commandments
Confess our sins
For time immortal
Man’s mind gets inspired
By gift and faculty divine
Blind superstition
Religious liberty
Mitigate our sorrows
Living in a world of dreams
Don’t fear the true
Image of a God
Infant Jesus was crucified
A memorial for our future
Our atrocity is now forgiven
Because he has done his penance
Hear me people of sighing
Sorrow of pain and regret
Left to the dead and dying
You, that not know me as yet
Christ passion
Medieval extravagance of Christianity
Foundation in all cultmysteries
Holy customs and wholesale hysteria
Creeds to transcendental
Defecation of human nature
Devour them up with blindness
They are fool adore in all clergy
And mindful in the grace of god
Christ passion
Mortal way of life
Rapture of the earth
Lift up your heads
In the day of his wrath
In the worst hour of life
Looking into the eyes of death
Extreme unction nears
Intensive incense is befooled
He gives you unimaginable joy
Certainty and faith
To find unutterable peace
Demand no sacrifice
Christ passion
Expect no wonders celestial child
He will behold your repentance
His prophet revealed to the wise
The great mystery of god
Persecution of Christians in blasphemy
Born by the scum of evil
Almighty father knows no thirst for revenge
Praise the saviour on all saints’ day
un fost hippiot are o tumoare pe creier şi îşi pierde o parte din memorie, iar părinţii lui îşi dau seama că singurul mod de-a mai putea comunica cu el este prin melodiile vechi pe care le asculta el cu 20 de ani în urmă...
foarte mişto ideea, foarte bună şi realizarea, bună şi muzica... chiar merită văzut...
The Tulips – Summer Song
nota 9
este evident, Sodom este trupa care îmi ocupă complet playlisturile de câteva luni încoace şi cred că o va face şi de acum încolo... am parcurs de abia două albume de la ei şi am avut atâtea obsesii că nici nu pot să le mai număr...
zilele astea am descoperit albumul Agent Orange, din 89, absolut genial... despre războiul din Vietnam şi armele biologice folosite de americani împotriva lor... o căutare pe google după Agent Orange e cel mai mare coşmar...
nu înţeleg cum absolut toată lumea poate să acuze nemţii pentru ce-au făcut în al doilea război mondial, dar nimeni nu priveşte cu la fel de mult dispreţ americanii pentru ce-au făcut în Vietnam şi nu numai, zeci de ani mai târziu... 500.000 de oameni au murit în urma operaţiunii Ranch Hand şi încă 500.000 de copii s-au născut morţi sau peste limită de handicapaţi şi problema încă persistă, 30 de ani mai târziu... încă 30.000 de veterani americani au murit de cancer după ce-au ajuns acasă...
în interiorul albumului scrie: „This album is dedicated to all people, soldies and civilians, who died by senseless aggressions of wars all over the world”...
ia uite bijuterie absolută, pe repeat de câteva zile bune:
Sodom – Agent Orange
(Wacken 2001)
Operation Ranch Hand
Spray down the death
Down on their farms
Assault against the population
Suppress by military arms
Only you prevent the forest
Legalize the war
They are deprived of their power
Eradication without law
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn’t burn
All the marks erased long ago
Scars are healed up
Cancer creeps into their innocent souls
Memorials of flesh and blood
Have survived unlawfully punished
Poisoned ’till the end of their lives
Physical deformity
What medicine will help?
Still births will rise
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn’t burn
Grieved weak hearts are crying
Waiting for the end
In this condition they are dying
Newborns of the damned
Preserved in test tubes for generations
Vicious circle of transmission
There’s no way for reparations
Must live with chemical agent called
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn’t burn
Agent Orange...
Burn! Burn! Burn
se ia această melodie decentă, din 68:
Simon & Garfunkel – A Hazy Shade Of Winter
şi se transformă într-o melodie absolut superbă, în 97:
Sodom – Hazy Shade Of Winter
nu zic că varianta originală e de aruncat, dar după o singură ascultare în varianta nemţilor nu mai poţi reveni la original...
Time ! Time ! Time !
See what’s become of me
While I looked around for my possibilities,
I was so hard to please.
Look around,
Leaves are brown,
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.
Hear the Salvation Army band
Down by the riverside
Bound to be a better ride
Than what you’ve got planned,
Carry your cup in your hand.
Look around,
Leaves are brown,
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.
Hang on to your hopes, my friend!
That’s an easy thing to say
But if your hopes should pass away
Simply pretend that you can build them again.
Look around,
The grass is high,
The fields are ripe,
It’s the springtime of my life.
Seasons change with the scenery
Weaving time in a tapestry
Won’t you stop and remember me ?
Look around,
Leaves are brown,
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.
Look around,
Leaves are brown,
There’s a patch of snow on the ground.