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Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c... |
posted on “dacă nu egalau englezii, danezii ar fi condus în continuare” |
Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr... |
posted on mud |
există şi nişte bonus pack-uri în joc, dacă faci nişte achievementuri primeşti u... |
posted on mai rapid ca rapidu |
regula de cinci secunde a devenit mult mai periculoasă de când cu pandemia... nu... |
posted on curcubeie pe asfalt |
şi ca fun fact, nici măcar nu este primul chirurg din echipa Rapidului... am avu... |
posted on te apără de goluri şi cardiace |
eu merg aproape sigur pe varianta b. pentru că e destul de uşor să verifici că a... |
Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ... |
posted on mai rapid ca rapidu |
Toate ca toate, dar eu fără cartofi prăjiţi nu-mi fac transplant! |
posted on 1+1 gratuit: Organe |
Eh, când cei mai tineri fani ai Rapidului se apropie de 40 de ani, or fi zis şi ... |
posted on te apără de goluri şi cardiace |
Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ... |
Oare regula de cinci secunde se aplică şi la compresor? |
posted on curcubeie pe asfalt |
pare că nu... |
posted on de la student la senior staff engineer |
La multi ani? Mai primeşti ceva anul ăsta? |
posted on de la student la senior staff engineer |
Măcar nu au fost 18... |
posted on i-a luminat farul |
Scrie chiar de două ori! Oare a uitat că a scris prima oară, sau chiar l-a mai c... |
posted on certitudinea marilor împliniri |
"Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]
şi alte logici
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
the ending... cel mai brutal din cate exista... un autobuz care merge cu 100 km/h care te loveste fix in cap...
Bruno: I’m Bruno.
Shmuel: Shmuel.
Bruno: Sorry?
Shmuel: I’m Shmuel.
Bruno: That’s your name? I’ve never heard of anyone called that before.
Shmuel: I’ve never heard of anyone called Bruno.
Bruno: Shmuel? No one’s called Shmuel.
nota 9
gata... cu nenorocitele de examene, parca nu se mai terminau... 9 examene in 40 de zile... atingem si noi o limita dracu... cat sa tot o tii asa...
azi am avut o gluma de examen... Dispozitive Optoelectronice cu Paul Schiopu... a dat niste subiecte imposibile ca sa nu aiba mult de corectat si a pus notele in functie de activitatea din timpul anului... cam neserios... ne-am obisnuit...
deci, cum zice ghEMu, "palmaresul":
media 9.55
printre cele mai proaste comedii romantice... bad acting, complet lipsit de originalitate si de abia daca genereaza vreun zambet...
nota 7.50
fucking black english comedy :D... fucking black, fucking hilarious... fully recommended
primul film cu Colin Farrell care mi-a placut... a fost irlandezul perfect... Ralph Fiennes as well...
Ken: Coming up?
Ray: What’s up there?
Ken: The view.
Ray: The view of what? The view of down here? I can see that down here.
Ken: Ray, you are about the worst tourist in the whole world.
Ray: Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn’t, so it doesn’t.
Ken: Your girlfriend’s very pretty.
Jimmy: She’s ain’t my girlfriend. She’s a prostitute I just picked up.
Ken: I was not aware that there were any prostitutes in Bruges.
Jimmy: You just have to look in the right places... brothels are good.
Ken: Well, you’ve picked up a very pretty prostitute.
Jimmy: Thank you.
Ray: Prison... death... didn’t matter. Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn’t be in fuckin’ Bruges. But then, like a flash, it came to me. And I realized, fuck man, maybe that’s what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fuckin’ Bruges. And I really really hoped I wouldn’t die. I really really hoped I wouldn’t die.
Ray: Why didn’t you wave hello to me today when I waved hello to you today?
Jimmy: I was on a very strong horse tranquilizer today; Wasn’t waving hello to anybody. Except... maybe to a horse.
Ray: Huh? What are you talking about?
Jimmy: Just horseshit.
Ray: You from America?
Jimmy: Yeah. Don’t hold it against me.
Ray: Well, that’s for me to decide, isn’t it?
Ray: [to Denise] You from America too?
Denise: No, I’m from Amsterdam.
Ray: Amsterdam! Amsterdam’s just a lot of bloody prostitutes, isn’t it?
Denise: Yes, that’s why I came to Bruges. Been trying to get a better price for my pussy here.
Ray: Huh?
Ray: You two are weird. Would you like some cocaine?
Harry: [to Yuri] An Uzi? I’m not from South Central Los Angeles. I didn’t come here to shoot twenty black ten year olds in a drive-by. I want a normal gun for a normal person.
Ken: We shall strike a balance between culture and fun.
Ray: Somehow I believe, Ken, that the balance shall tip in the favor of culture, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw opposite... a dwarf.
Policeman: [to Ray, who is trying to escape from Bruges on the train] Are you Irish?
Ray: Yea.
Policeman: What is your name?
Ray: Er-Derek Fer... ler.
Policeman: You eet the Canadian.
Ray: What?
Policeman: You eet the Canadian.
Ray: I eat the Canadian? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
[the policeman motions down the compartment toward more policemen and the two Canadian tourists whom Ray beat up earlier]
Canadian Guy: That’s the motherfucker!
Ray: Oh, i hit the canadian!
Policeman: Come along. We are taking you back to Bruges.
Ray: Brilliant !
Eirik: I can’t see! I can’t see!
Ray: Of course you can’t see! I just a shot a blank in your fucking eye!
Harry: Number One, why aren’t you in when I fucking told you to be in? Number Two, why doesn’t this hotel have phones with fucking voicemail and not have to leave messages with the fucking receptionist? Number Three, you better fucking be in tomorrow night when I fucking call again or there’ll be fucking hell to pay. I’m fucking telling you – Harry
Marie: Note: I’m not the receptionist. I’m the co-owner, with my husband.
Ken: How was your date
Ray: One instance of me stealing five grams of very-high-quality cocaine and one instance of me blinding a poofy little skinhead. So, all-in-all my evening pretty much balanced out fine.
Ken: You got five grams of coke?
Ray: I’ve got four grams on me and one gram in me which is why me heart is going like the clappers, as is I’m about to have a heart attack. So if I collapse any minute now please remember to tell the doctors that it might have something to do with the coke.
Ken: [Harry shoots Ken in the leg] Fucking cunt!
Harry: Like I’m not going to do nothing to you just because you’re standing about like Robert fucking Powell.
Ken: Like who?
Harry: Like Robert fucking Powell out of Jesus of fucking Nazareth.
nota 9
dupa o zi de munca in plina sesiune, am petrecut o seara perfecta jucand pool pe bune...
very happy...
p.s.: anca, se pare ca in realitate bag alba chiar mai des decat pe yahoo :d